

博彩app医院坚持以下病人的权利,无论 年龄,报酬来源,性别,或文化,经济,教育或 宗教背景. 所有病人的权利也适用于 是否有法律责任对医疗护理作出决定 代表你. 这包括未成年病人的父母/监护人. 所有患者在入院时都会收到一份患者权利的复印件.


  • 体贴和尊重的照顾,并使舒适. 你有 尊重个人价值观和信仰的权利.
  • Have a family member (or other representative of your choosing) and your 自己的医生及时通知你入院.
  • Know the name of the physician who has primary responsibility for coordinating your care and the names of the professional relationships of other physicians 非医生也会给你看病.
  • Receive information about your health status, course of treatment and prospects 以你能理解的方式恢复. 你有参与的权利 在制定和实施你的护理计划时. 你有 参与过程中出现的伦理问题的权利 your care, including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative 服务,放弃或撤销维持生命的治疗.
  • Make decisions regarding medical care, and receive as much information 关于任何建议的治疗或程序,你可能需要,以便 给予知情同意或拒绝治疗. 除了紧急情况, this information shall include a description of the procedure or treatment, the medically significant risks involved, alternate courses of treatment or non-treatment and the risks involved in each, and the name of the person 谁来执行手术或治疗.
  • 在法律允许的范围内请求或拒绝治疗. 然而,你 没有权利提出不适当或医学上不必要的要求 治疗或服务. 即使反对,你也有权离开医院 在法律允许的范围内,听从医生的建议.
  • Be advised if the hospital/personal physician proposes to engage in or 进行影响您的护理或治疗的人体实验. 你有 拒绝参与此类研究项目的权利.
  • 对任何合理的服务要求作出合理的回应.
  • Request or reject the use of any or all modalities to relieve pain, including 如果你患有严重的慢性顽固性疼痛,可以服用鸦片类药物. 医生可能会拒绝给你开鸦片类药物,但如果开了,你必须开 inform you that there are physicians who specialize in the treatment of severe chronic intractable pain and methods that include the use of opiates.
  • 制定预先指示. 这包括指定一个决策者 if you become incapable of understanding a proposed treatment or become 无法表达你对护理的愿望. 医院工作人员和从业人员 在医院提供护理的人员应遵守这些指示. 所有 patient rights apply to the person who has legal responsibility to make 代表您决定医疗护理.
  • 尊重个人隐私. 病例讨论、咨询、检查 治疗是保密的,应该谨慎进行. 你 have the right to be told the reason for the presence of any individual. 你有权让来访者在检查前离开 在讨论治疗问题时. 将使用隐私窗帘 在半私人房间里.
  • Confidential treatment of all communications and records pertaining to 你的照顾和留在医院. 基本信息可能会发布 向公众公开,除非你特别书面禁止. 写 permission shall be obtained before medical records are made available to anyone not directly concerned with your care, except as otherwise may 被法律要求或允许的.
  • Access information contained in your records within a reasonable time frame, 除非在法律规定的特定情况下.
  • Receive care in a safe setting, free from verbal or physical abuse or harassment. 你有 right to access protective services including notifying government 疏忽或虐待的代理.
  • Be free from restraints and seclusion of any form used as a mean of coercion, 纪律、方便或员工报复.
  • Reasonable continuity of care and to know in advance of the time and location of appointments as well as the identity of the persons providing the care.
  • Be informed by the physician, or a delegate of the physician, of the continuing 出院后的保健要求.
  • Know which hospital rules and policies apply to your conduct while a patient.
  • Designate visitors of your choosing, if you have a decision-making capacity, 访客是否有血缘关系或婚姻关系,除非:
    • 访客不得入内.
    • The facility reasonably determines that the presence of a particular visitor would endanger the health or safety of a patient, or would significantly 扰乱设施的运作.
    • 你有 told the health facility staff that you no longer want a particular 访问对象. 但是,卫生机构可以制定合理的限制 upon visitation, including restrictions upon the hours of visitation and 参观人数.
  • Have your wishes considered, if you lack decision-making capacity, for 决定谁可以访问的目的. 这种考虑的方法 是否会在医院探视政策中披露. 至少, 医院应包括住在你家里的任何人.
  • Examine and receive an explanation of the hospital's bill regardless of 付款来源.
  • Exercise these rights without regard to sex, economic status, educational background, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation 或者婚姻状况,或者医疗费的来源.
  • File a grievance and/or file a complaint with the state Department of 健康 服务和/或医院,并被告知所采取的行动.


In addition to your patient rights, you and/or a legally responsible guardian 或者保管人有以下职责:

  • To provide complete and accurate information regarding medical history
  • To consider and use information provided by physicians and other health 护理提供者,以便在病人的博彩app决策 最佳利益
  • To provide written consent to, or refusal of, treatment and/or procedures 应医生和/或医院工作人员的要求
  • To be considerate of others in the hospital, including patients, visitors 医院员工
  • To meet financial responsibilities, including provision of appropriate 保险和账单信息


所有 patients receive information regarding advance directives upon admission. In order to be in compliance with the Federal Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) passed by Congress in 1990, Washington Hospital now asks, at the time of registration, all patients over the age of 18 if an advance 指令已经起草. 博彩app医院有正式规定 确保你对治疗的愿望得到满足.

If you present an advance directive to us when you register, this information 会保存在你的病历里吗. 如果你还没有完成 事先指示和需要的信息,我们会提供给你. 你 are not required to have an advance directive to receive medical care. 可以使用资源来回答您可能遇到的问题.

A brochure which explains your right to make 卫生保健 decisions and how you can plan what should be done when you cannot speak for yourself 在接待处可以找到吗.


The patient representative serves as a liaison between patients, hospital staff and physicians by intervening to mediate conflict, improve communication 并满足非临床需求. 你可以联系病人代表 直接调用 510.818.7328.


Any patient, family member, physician, nurse or hospital employee may request 与生物伦理委员会的磋商. 委员会的宗旨 is to help patients and their families, as well as physicians and other 卫生保健 providers, discuss and resolve questions, problems and conflicts 这涉及到在接受和提供过程中的个人价值观 卫生保健. 如需咨询或博彩app信息,请博彩app 问你的护士.


The Paul Gann Blood Safety Act requires that your physician provide you with information concerning blood transfusions when there is the possibility 输血可能是必要的,因为医疗或 外科手术.

Learn about how 博彩app医院博彩app系统 protects your privacy in our 私隐实务通知.